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Organize a competition + course with us

Do you have a proposal for a competition topic?

we are



We are revolutionizing the way architecture is taught by blending key-topics competitions with top-tier professional-led courses.

At NEA, we are more than just architects; we’re dreamers, innovators, and boundary-pushers. We recall the thrill of our first architectural competition, the flood of ideas, and the sense of belonging to a global community. We remember the inspiration that came from being a small-town architect, exchanging ideas with someone from a bustling city halfway across the globe. It made us feel part of something much larger than ourselves.

However, we also recall the challenges, the times we felt lost, or the struggle of navigating complex themes without much guidance. That’s why we decided to do things differently at NEA. We decided to create a platform that transforms the traditional architectural competition into a holistic learning experience.

Each competition we host includes a free course that delves deep into the competition’s theme. Our courses are led by top professionals, enhancing the learning experience and allowing participants to access renowned figures in the field and connect with an international community of professionals.

But NEA is about more than just competitions and courses. It’s about fostering a new generation of architects who are conscious of their environment and focused on sustainable, innovative design. We’re not just building structures; we’re building knowledge, skills, and a global community of architects. We’re creating a space where you can learn, grow, and become the architect you’ve always dreamed of being.

Let’s redefine the future of architecture together.

Our story

At NEA, we're more than just architects; we're dreamers, innovators, and boundary-pushers. We recall the thrill of our first architectural competition, the flood of ideas, and the sense of belonging to a global community. We remember the inspiration that came from being a small-town architect, exchanging ideas with someone from a bustling city halfway across the globe. It made us feel part of something much larger than ourselves.

However, we also recall the challenges, the times we felt lost, or the struggle of navigating complex themes without much guidance. That's why we decided to do things differently at NEA. We decided to create a platform that transforms the traditional architectural competition into a holistic learning experience. Each competition we host includes a free course that delves deep into the competition's theme. Our courses are led by top professionals, enhancing the learning experience and allowing participants to access renowned figures in the field and connect with an international community of professionals.

But NEA is about more than just competitions and courses. It's about fostering a new generation of architects who are conscious of their environment and focused on sustainable, innovative design. We're not just building structures; we're building knowledge, skills, and a global community of architects. We're creating a space where you can learn, grow, and become the architect you've always dreamed of being.

Let's redefine together the future of architecture.

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Javier Pulido

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Irene Palomo

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Nullam ultricies mollis lorem, ac gravida diam pretium eget. Ut porttitor scelerisque lacus, a fringilla felis blandit sed.

Our goals

Fostering Learning and Innovation.

At NEA, we believe that every architectural competition is a unique opportunity for learning and growth. We strive to innovate by integrating expert-led courses into our competitions, enriching the participants’ understanding and application of the contest theme.


Bridging Global Architectural Communities.

We are committed to providing a platform where everyone, regardless of their location, has an equal chance to learn, participate, and excel. Our aim is to democratize architectural competitions, making them accessible and rewarding for all.


Inspiring Sustainable Architecture.

Our mission is to inspire a new generation of architects who are conscious of their environment and focused on sustainable, innovative, and local architecture. We believe in the power of architecture to shape a more sustainable future.


How we work

We organize architecture competitions about relevant themes complemented with high-quality courses. Our work and efforts are oriented towards offering a comprehensive learning experience to our participants. This allows our participants to gain useful experience and learning from internationally renowned figures.


At NEA, we are deeply committed to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe that architecture has a significant role to play in achieving these global targets, and our work is aligned with several of these goals.

SDG 4: Quality Education

We provide free courses with each competition, ensuring that architects and designers have access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities.

SDG 5: Gender Equality

We are commited to highlight and celebrate the work of female architects, providing a platform for their voices and ideas to be heard.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Our competitions encourage innovative solutions to architectural challenges, contributing to sustainable and resilient infrastructure development.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

We promote sustainable urban development through our competitions, fostering the creation of inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and communities.

SDG 13: Climate Action

We encourage designs that take into account climate change impacts and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

We foster a global community of architects, organizations and companies, facilitating international cooperation and partnerships to achieve these goals.

Why an architecture competition?

Innovation Catalyst

The competitive nature of architecture competitions encourages participants to think outside the box and strive for excellence, pushing the boundaries of conventional design to produce innovative, high-quality solutions to complex challenges.

Global Collaboration

These competitions draw in participants from across the globe, each bringing their unique cultural and professional insights. This diversity enriches the idea pool and offers a wider array of potential solutions to the given challenge.

Idea Generation

Competitions in architecture generate concepts that have the potential to be incorporated into future development plans. They act as an incubator for new projects, offering a robust base of innovative and well-considered designs.

Media Exposure

Architecture competitions attract substantial media coverage, offering visibility for participants, partners, and jury members. They ignite discussions and debates within and beyond the architectural community, raising awareness about the competition’s focal issues.

Professional Networking

Competitions provide a platform to cultivate a professional network among architects and designers. This enhances the learning experience and paves the way for future professional opportunities, promoting a collaborative culture within the architectural community.

Skill Showcase

Competitions offer participants a stage to display their skills, receive feedback from esteemed professionals in the field, and earn recognition for their work.

Architectural Discourse

Lastly, architecture competitions contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the field of architecture, spotlighting current trends, advocating new ideas, and stimulating discussions on various architectural and urban topics.

Why a course on the competition topic?

Deep Understanding

A course on the competition topic provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. This deep knowledge allows them to approach the competition with a well-informed perspective and create more impactful designs.

Skill Enhancement

Courses offer an opportunity to enhance specific skills related to the competition theme. Staying updated is crucial and our courses ensure participants are at the forefront of current architectural trends. This skill development can be instrumental in creating a competitive edge and fostering professional growth beyond the competition. 

Practical Application

A course focused on the competition topic provides practical insights into how theoretical concepts can be applied in real-world scenarios. This practical knowledge can be invaluable in creating designs that are not only innovative but also feasible and effective.

Expert Guidance

Courses on the competition topic involve guidance from experts in the field. This expert input can provide unique insights and help participants avoid common pitfalls, enhancing the quality of their competition entries.

Collaborative Learning

A course provides a platform for participants to learn collaboratively, share ideas, and gain diverse perspectives. This collaborative learning environment can stimulate creativity and lead to more innovative solutions.

Long-term Benefits

The knowledge and skills gained from a course extend beyond the competition itself. They can be applied in future projects and professional endeavors, providing long-term benefits.

Competitive Advantage

Extra knowledge in emerging areas in the field of architecture could give participants a competitive edge in their future careers.